Monday, May 18, 2009

DM Post: The Adventurer's Guild

Adventurer’s Guild

The only requirement for membership is you must be invited to join by an existing member (Veteran or Master). The guild is not interested in level of power or ability, not will there be any tests to this effect. Journeymen are encouraged to sponsor individuals for membership by introducing prospects to a Veteran or Master and vouching for their worth. There is a joining fee of 500 gp. (Game Mechanics note – you must be 2nd level to join the Adventurer’s Guild).
To become a Veteran, an existing Veteran must sponsor you, and a review board of two Veterans (different from your sponsor) and a Master must decide to promote you. (Game Mechanics note – you must be 4th level to become a Veteran).
To become a Master, a Master must sponsor you, and a review board of three Masters (different from your sponsor) must decide to promote you. Additionally you must have served the guild as a Veteran for one year minimum to be eligible for the rank of Master. Upon receiving the rank of Master, guild members are expected to donate a magic item to the guild. (Game Mechanics note – you must be 6th level to become a Master).

Members receive the following benefits:
1) Community, identity, and companionship that goes along with being part of a group of similar individuals.
2) A personal locker in each Guildhall.
3) Access to the Guild Shops.
4) Access to training provided by the guild. (Game Mechanics – prestige classes, skills, and feats)
5) Free lodging at all Guildhalls and Partnerships.

Duties and Expectations
1) A guild member’s actions reflect on the guild, and as such a member is expected to take consideration when interacting with commoners, nobility, and government officials.
2) A guild member is expected to be seen as a force for good on behalf of the individuals and communities they interact with.
3) Guild members are expected to support and defend other guild members.
4) Guild members are expected to abide by the rulings of the Council of Elders.
5) Guild rules, customs, and details are for guild members alone to know.
6) Disputes between members are handled within the guild, never in public.
7) The guild has no political affiliation; members involved in politics should make this clear.
8) Guild business is not expected to take ultimate priority, but members are expected to be regularly involved.
9) Guild members are expected to answer a Guild Call if able.
10) Guild Members are expected to be respectful of those members who
hold higher rank.

Levels of Membership

Prospects are individuals who have been sponsored by a Journeyman for membership. They are allowed in the Guildhalls under the escort of a guild member.

Apprentice Adventurer
Apprentices are individuals who have been sponsored for membership but do not have the money for the joining fee, or have been recognized by a Veteran or Master as having good potential but needing more seasoning before joining. Apprentices may enter the Guildhalls freely and without escort but are confined to the ground floor.

Journeyman Adventurer
Recognized as a full member and have all benefits and duties thereof except those specifically designated to Veterans or Masters. Annual Dues are 200 gp.

Veteran Adventurer
Veterans are expected to take a mentorship role in the guild. In addition to the standard benefits and duties, Veterans are required to spend 1 month out of every year in a Guildhall offering training to guild members. Veterans have the ability to invite new members into the guild. Veterans have a discount at Guild Shops. Annual Dues for Veterans are 500 gp.

Master Adventurer
Masters are the leaders of the guild. While they may offer training they are not required to do so as are Veterans. They have a larger discount at Guild Shops than Veterans, and also have the ability to invite new members. Masters are required to mediate disputes between members. Annual Dues for Masters are 500 gp.

Guild Branches
The Branches are organizations within the guild. Not all guild members belong to a branch; those who do belong only to one. Each branch may have its own customs, expectations, and benefits.

Arcane Brotherhood
The Arcane Brotherhood is the branch of the guild that is made up of those who devote their life to arcane magic and mystical knowledge.

The Cavaliers is the branch of the guild that is made up of those who specialize in hand to hand combat both as individuals and in groups.

The Wardens is the branch of the guild that is made up of those who have an interest in the frontiers and wildernesses of the world.

League of Bards and Skalds
The League of Bards and Skalds is the branch of the guild that is made up of those who have a profound interest in history and the performing arts.

The Hospitalers is the branch of the guild that is made up of those who specialize in healing.

Council of Elders
The Council of Elders is the ruling body of the Adventurer’s Guild. It is made up of no more than fifteen and no less than five Master Adventurers. To gain a seat on the council the current council must invite you. There are no other requirements, other than holding the rank of Master. The Council typically only decides broad policy and then only when needed. Sixty percent of the Council must be present for any meeting to be held (3 out of every five members). Council members enjoy no status benefits and are not differentiated from other Masters by guild members. The Council meets annually, although additional meetings may be called if needed.

Guild Call
Any Master may put out a Guild Call, a general call to arms or attendance. Guild members are expected to respond if able to such a call. Examples of inappropriate Guild Calls are any situations where the full weight of the guild is unnecessary, such as assaulting a lone orc tribe. Examples of appropriate Guild Calls would be: 1) a call to arms to drive a demon invasion out of the Basilica (or anywhere else for that matter); 2) a world tournament of fighting (since a good showing by the guild brings it prestige); 3) a conference on matters of global importance; etc… In the event that the Council of Elders sounds a Guild Call, the membership is expected to respond in force.

Guildhalls are the headquarters of the guild where all guild business takes place. All Guildhalls have the same design. The ground floor holds the Common Room where food and drink is served and performances are heard. Also on the ground floor is the Training Hall where the Veterans instruct those who are interested, the stables, and the Chapel which is dedicated to both the One True God and the Universal God (same God, different dedication practices). Also within the Chapel are several shrines to Gods not included in the Universalist Faith. The second floor holds the Guild Shops, the Map Room, the Guild Library, and the conference rooms. The Map Room holds maps of the world donated by members and is maintained by the Wardens Branch. The third floor holds the barracks and the guild lockers. Non-members are not allowed into the Guildhalls unless designated a Prospect or an Apprentice. Only full members are allowed on the second and third floors.

Partnerships are inns, bars, and taverns that agree to partner with the Adventurer’s Guild. The Partner agrees to provide free rooms to guild members and to hold a Golden Box for guild member use. In return the guild pays the Partner an annual fee of 50 gp and guild members agree to come to the Partner’s aid if needed. While rooms are free for guild members, food and drinks are not and members are expected to eat and drink at these establishments and tip well. The Partner basically expects to make up lost revenue on the rooms from guild members bar tabs. The Golden Boxes are devices created by Garam. It teleports any paper or parchment placed within to the Guildhall named on the note. Guildhalls can send paper and parchment back to any Golden Box that has been activated.

Guild Shops
Guild shops are private stores located within the Guildhalls, and are for member use only. There they may buy and sell special gear at extremely good rates.

Guild Armory
The Armory buys and sells weapons and armor. No items are made by the store; it is simply a re-sale shop.

The Arcanum
The Arcanum buys and sells arcane scrolls, spell reagents, and wands. Some items are created by the Arcane Brotherhood, others are acquired by purchasing agents that go to wholesalers and other non-guild shops, and the remaining inventory is bought from the membership.

The Apocathary
The Apocathary buys and sells potions and oils. While it is solely a re-sale shop many members who have the ability create potions and oils and sell them to the Apocathary as a source of income.

The Emporium
The Emporium buys and sells any manner of magical item or device that does not fall under the jurisdiction of the other shops. Rings, boots, rods, belts, and just about anything else that is found or created by a member.

The Chapel
Healing can be purchase at the Guild Chapels for good prices by anyone who has access to the ground floor of the Guildhall. The Chapels are run by the Hospitalers who provide the healing.

Guild Staff
The Guild Staff are individuals employed by the guild to provide services to the members. The merchants in the Guild Shops, the cooks, the wait staff, all are guild employees. These individuals are not members but have access to all three floors of the Guildhalls and may purchase healing from the Chapel at standard rates. Guild Staff are paid four times the going rate for their services and are considered under the protection of the guild in an effort to engender loyalty. Members are expected to be courteous and respectful to Guild Staff; they are not servants and are not to be treated as lesser individuals.