Monday, January 4, 2010

January 3 Game Notes

In-game date: 10th of Winter Waning

Floyd, Virgil, Brix, and Axe return to Luthia to the War Council. Guy is absent to tend to a personal matter (presumably masturbation). When they arrive in Luthia, the four go to see Bart, who has made his way to Luthia with the Bogatars, who have completed their scouting mission of the goblin invasion. The Bogatars report the location of the goblin forces, and the presence of two considerable beasts – one a giant hydra, and one fitting the description of a gargantuan illithid. In addition, they report that goblin ships have begun sailing around the western coast of the continent via the north, and that the barbarians of Jottenheim have been fighting them there. This gives the party the impression that the goblins may land a Britewater, and they assume this will be their next mission. Virgil decides to consolidate all military intelligence under Bart, who channels control of the Bogatars, the Fifty-Gnomes, a team of Illrean Rangers, and Garvey’s network of contacts under his supervision.

After the war council agrees to this, a progress check is made, and many are dismayed that more has not been done as far as recruiting and conscription are concerned. It is expressed that the ranks of the Church and the Adventurer’s Guild will be insufficient to fight this war alone. Colonel Braddock, the de facto military commander of the War Council, agrees, but impresses that more time is needed before the entirety of the continent’s forces can be organized and deployed. In the meantime, Braddock hopes to employ a special strike force (the party, natch) to take care of a few important preparatory missions in order to prepare for the war. The party agrees to this notion.

Floyd suggests the formation of a think-tank, based off of the research of the Seeker known as Revan, who has been studying the beacon towers in an effort to understand how they work. This think tank would be made of young, agile minds that would come up with innovative ideas to aid the war effort. Additionally, Virgil proposes the building of airships and other weaponry / vehicular technology for the fight, and to inspire that to its natural end, war bonds will be issued to jump start the economy.

Floyd contacts Ajax and requests a team of ten Fifty-Gnomes well versed in disguise and subterfuge. Ajax informs him that the Fifty-Gnomes have begun recruiting and training above their proscribed number in an effort to more quickly replace casualties. Furthermore, Ajax reports to the party that the University in Dreia had approached Mason and requested exemption from the war effort, to which Mason agreed. It is once again resolved that Mason will need to be deposed from this seat in The Freelandian government.

Braddock feels that the ships coming west are more likely headed to Arimathea than they are to Britewater, and that more time is available to address the naval issue. More immediate is the need to destroy a bridge in Silar that is strategic to the advance of the Goblins on the eastern front. Braddock sends Virgil, Brix, Floyd, and Axe to destroy the bridge.

The party travels via convoy to Silar. Along the way, they see conscripts training for battle, and looking scared. To combat this, Floyd composes and performs a song along their stops to improve morale and increase confidence in the war effort. The song proves to be catchy and memorable, though not one of his best.

The convoy drops the party off a couple of miles away from the bridge. The party travels for two days, eschewing campfires for want of better concealment. When they finally arrive at the bridge, they manage to scope out a force of about ninety goblins, goblin mages (red vests), hobgoblins, and bugbears (with a wyvern or two for good measure) guarding the bridge. The boys formulate a plan, though it will require rest and rememorization of a few spells. As they attempt to hide and sneak away, however, they are discovered, and forced into a fight.

Virgil quickly makes the decision that the party should retreat, despite the protestations of Brix, Axe, and Floyd. Faced with Virgil’s abandonment of the fight, the other three reluctantly follow. When they are followed and spotted by one of the wyverns, Virgil attempts to teleport the group out, only to have the spell botch. The party ends up in Fey.

Finding themselves on a new plane, Floyd attempts to contact Alvin, the one fey he knows. However, his attempt to communicate through rock fails as the rock Floyd chooses ends up being a small granite-looking fey bug, whom Floyd drop kicks away. This proves to be a regrettable decisions when the fey returns with a swarm of similar creatures. Floyd, thinking quickly, fascinates the group, and suggests that his punishment should be being taken to the nearest friendly settlement. The fey bug concurs, and he leads him into the forest to a village of humanoid creatures no more than an inch tall.

Floyd finds a citizen and introduces himself, only to discover that the little man (Tevye) has heard of him. Tevye knows of a portal to the prime material plane, but demands a trade for the information; Floyd is forced to relinquish his Horn of Fog. Tevye directs Floyd to a tree stump which will transport the group.

Floyd attempts to use the portal, but he finds he can’t. Virgil reasons that something is blocking Floyd from leaving Fey, when Alvin shows up, demanding one of Floyd’s debts to him be repaid. Alvin requests that Floyd steal the Huntmaster’s Cup from the abode of the Horned King, who is abroad on a hunt. Having no choice, Floyd and the party go to the Horned King’s home, where they are forced to fight two dire bears, a dire tiger, and a dire boar. The animals themselves are not too tricky, but the Horned King’s servant, a flesh golem of some sort, proves to be a very difficult fight, although the party is ultimately victorious. They return to the portal, and give the cup to Alvin, who unlocks the portal and sends the boys back to the material plane. They find themselves a long way from Silar, however, and Virgil is forced to teleport the group again, this time without complication. They arrive in the spot where the convoy dropped them off, two days from the bridge, although as of this writing, they have no idea how much time passed while they were in Fey.

End of Session.


  1. A few points of order...

    1) During the War Council, Virgil made a motion that his vassal Bart (formerly caretaker of Virgilhold) be promoted to the rank of Chief of Reconnoitering in the Allied Army. Floyd gave Bart partial control over the FiftyGnomes, Virgil gave 8 of the Bogatyrs of Darkenhold, Dravik some Illrian Rangers, and Garvey his informal "Network".

    2) Concerning the skirmish at the Silarian brodge. The Party was vastly outnumbered by creatures no weaker than 5 Hit Dice. If I recall there were around 4 goblin mages of at least 6th level, 8 hobgoblins of at least 6 Hit Die, and bugbears that had at least 50 hit points bearing glaives, and this was just the first wave. After the first volley, half of the party was at half thier hit point total or lower. The party was well advised to flee.

  2. The war coucil should use an all-volunteer military!!

    For more on conscription please visit

  3. Scott,

    Thank you for reading. I appreciate the link, but am hopeful you understand that this is a fictitious war against fictitious goblins who are threatening to kill every last fictitious human, elf, gnome, dwarf, halfling, half-orc, and half-elf on the fictitious continent. It is not an honest-to-Floyd war.

    But even if it were, we are not conscripting to conquer, and we never would. We are conscripting to prevent the annihilation of an entire civilization.


    Floyd Fiftynames
    Lisenced Bard,
    Fiftieth Gnome

    "He's a better songwriter than Mitchell!" - someone with common sense

  4. point of order: probably masturbation? More like definitely.
